Edem kompleks
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LTD Edem kompleks

+380 68 897 XX XX +380 68 897 0076
+380 68 897 XX XX +380 95 617 7918
+380 68 897 XX XX +380 73 046 3610
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LTD Edem kompleks

OOO Edem Complex manufactures carpentry products to order, such as: windows, doors. Using wood: oak, pine, alder.

Our company with many years of experience in the field of services in the market of Kyiv specializes in the production of reliable and high-quality products from wood and metal-plastic:
  • Glazing of balconies of various configurations and forms according to standard and individual projects. Harmoniously combining metal-plastic products with natural wood and various artificial materials, such as MDF, plastic panels, plastic boarding, siding, drywall, which in general creates a cozy interior of your house;
  • windows;
  • wood paneling;
  • doors;
  • Window sills.

    Products made of wood are manufactured on industrial equipment. Wood is used from environmentally friendly zones, with mandatory drying in drying chambers.
  • The company is presented in the following Sections

    Update: 10/18/2022
    Registered: 2/07/2018
    ID no: 41506
    Company Reviews
    Edem kompleks on the map
    Head office
    вул. Канальна, 1, Kyiv, 02081
    Working hours:
    Эдем комплекс - офис
    Mon — Fri 9:00 AM‒7:00 PM
    The popularity of the company
    31 position in the ranking of pages
    Total Views: 10 003
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